In response to the feedback from surveys and conversations with community members, parents and staff, a Strategic Plan was created for AOS # 47 on September, 2013. The following Communication Plan and strategies for parents and staff were developed.  Based on the recent surveys (5/23) to staff and parents the Communication Expectations for AOS 47 have been updated to reflect that feedback and expedite communication.  


Parent Expectations:

  1. With the exceptions to an emergency, phone or email messages will be responded to within 24 hours except on weekends and vacations. If no response is received, send a second email and cc the building administrator.

  2. When a concern or question arises regarding your child, start at the instance of the problem.  The sequence of elevation of concerns is:

    1. Contact the teacher

    2. If unresolved, contact the building Principal or Assistant Principal

    3. If still unresolved, contact the Superintendent of Schools

  3. If you need to meet personally with a teacher please schedule a time to meet which is mutually agreeable.

  4. Parents are responsible for providing the school with up to date contact information or any significant changes which could impact the student.

  5. Parents need to contact the school when children are going to be absent or tardy.

  6. Parents are responsible for checking the modes of communication listed in Objective #2.

Staff Expectations:

  1. Teacher websites will include a personal Bio page and contact information.

  2. School Email must be checked at least twice a day (AM & PM) and responded to within 24 hours of reading it except weekends and vacations.

  3. Phone messages must be checked once a day and a response made within 24 hours except for weekends and vacations.

  4. Any written communication(i.e.: field trip info, change of schedule, special event) to parents must be previewed and approved by administration 24 hours prior to it being sent home.

  5. Staff will check their “snail mail” boxes once a day.

  6. Staff will check daily Google Calendar (Airline & Dedham) or daily email announcement (Orrington) for upcoming events.

  7. If you wish a response to your email please indicate that in your communication.

  8. Maintain up to date grades posted on PowerSchool.

  9. If a teacher has a concern regarding a child (academic or behavioral) contact with the parent needs to be made and a conversation occur.

  10. Communications regarding positive experiences with children need to be made with parents.

  11. Any and all parent emails, whether class wide or to multiple parents, must be sent utilizing the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) feature. 

Administration Expectations:

  1. Administration will provide written communication, to staff, of changes or upcoming events via email.

  2. Any written communication, by teachers to parents, will be previewed and approved by administration and returned to staff within 24 hours of receipt.

  3. Phone messages will be checked at least once a day and a response made within 24 hours except for weekends and vacations.

  4. Administration will communicate upcoming events via Google Calendar (Airline & Dedham) or via email announcement (Orrington).

  5. School Email must be checked at least twice a day (AM & PM) and responded to within 24 hours of reading it except weekends and vacations.

  6. If the administration wants a response to an email it will be indicated in the communication.


The following vehicles of communication between the Airline, Dedham & Center Drive Schools (AOS # 47) and parents may be one or more of the following:

  • AOS 47 App 

  • School Website 

  • Newsletter (electronic and paper)

  • School/Home Communication 

  • Email

  • Apptegy (for emergency or storm day cancellation only)

Parents are responsible for checking the above vehicles of communication to stay informed.


In the event that a parent has a concern the chain of command follows the Complaint Protocol as listed below:

  1. Contact the teacher

  2. If unresolved, contact the building Principal or Assistant Principal

  3. If still unresolved, contact the Superintendent of Schools