Greetings Airline parents! It certainly has been an adjustment for everyone over the first few weeks of the year. Staff have been working hard to meet the guidelines that have been set for us. It is the biggest challenge that we have had to face in the 30+ years that I have been here.
I’m pleased to say that we are making progress reaching out to all our students. There seem to be a few new obstacles everyday, but we are getting used to adapting.
Beginning the week of October 5, we will be adding a 3rd day of instruction for those students who are attending in-person. This, of course, is barring a circumstance that would have us having to go completely to remote learning. The third day will be Wednesdays starting Wednesday, October 7. It does affect Tuesday, October 13 as that will no longer be a in-school day. Bus schedules on Wednesdays will be the same as other in-school days. Check the Activity Calendar on the website for in-person student days.
If anyone is considering changing their child’s status, please contact Mr. Bryan.